Friday, September 02, 2005

Two Accomplishments!!

I am always so impressed when I read other people's blogs and see how they are so faithful about getting on and writing almost every day or so. Sometimes weeks go by before I get on and update!!

Anyway, I finally made it to my first Stitch N' Bitch. I wasn't too impressed, but it was basically my fault. I got there at 7pm when it starts at 6:30pm, so all the chairs were taken and I had to sit in the back room (by myself) which wasn't too great. I quickly got over that and began wandering around the yarn shop. I ended up buying a "Knitting Queen" t-shirt. So next time, if there is a next time, I will make sure and get there early enough to get a chair. There is another Stitch N' Bitch on Monday nights at a different location that I'm still trying to make it to. I have a feeling that one is probably a bit friendlier and more fun.

I also completed my first knitting class. It was an advanced beginner class and I learned alot. There were six women in the class, they were all super nice and I really enjoyed it. I'm waiting for them to offer a sock knitting class because I really want to go to that.

Other than that I am very inspired every time I go to the yarn shop. They have SO many cute projects sitting out!! I am presently working on two ponchettes and a shawl (my first project on circular needles). I am using a yarn that is called "California" and I love it!! It is hand dyed and beautiful to work with. I can't wait until I'm done with these projects so I can wear them!! I actually (no lie) have about 20 different projects going. I work ALOT on the above mentioned three and then pick up the other ones and work on them little by little. I also just got some linen in the mail yesterday to make a couple of dishcloths with. I've also realized that I probably will never work with cheap yarn again. I get so much joy out of the quality of the yarns from the yarn store. I figure if I'm going to take the time to make something, it might as well be made out of the best, most beautiful yarn I can afford to buy.

Back to work ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I want to take a sock class too! And where did you get a knitting queen shirt? i might have to pick one up! (Though i am thinking the "Yarn Ho" shirt at suits me pretty good too)

Mimi :)